Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut viverra, nulla ac tempor semper, orci tortor viverra dolor, ultrices facilisis nisl massa ac risus. Duis lacinia pretium leo. Maecenas hendrerit risus nec diam cursus scelerisque. Nunc ullamcorper enim non quam pellentesque aliquet. Phasellus lorem tellus, convallis tincidunt lacinia non, sagittis ut turpis. Quisque iaculis enim nibh, id imperdiet dui rutrum eu. Suspendisse sagittis elementum elit quis pulvinar. Sed at vestibulum neque. Curabitur ut dui eros. In ac tortor enim. Sed placerat finibus vestibulum. Vivamus blandit consectetur accumsan. Duis venenatis arcu eu dui imperdiet, eget pellentesque mi dapibus. Integer rhoncus condimentum tellus, vitae sollicitudin justo semper et. Praesent id quam nunc. Vestibulum nec magna orci. Sed diam ligula, mollis non massa id, faucibus dapibus magna. Sed vel ultricies sapien, quis tincidunt mi. Curabitur ut viverra urna. Duis sed blandit mauris. Vivamus ut porta ex, sed elementum ante. Vivamus tincidunt egestas pharetra. Pellentesque ut sollicitudin est, eu condimentum eros. Morbi feugiat, neque a tempus dapibus, erat nisl faucibus odio, vitae pulvinar arcu tellus eu ex. Cras ac libero ut ex ultricies luctus ac non ex. Nulla quis sollicitudin leo. Maecenas tristique ipsum ut imperdiet convallis. Integer imperdiet sed mauris sit amet malesuada. Nullam vehicula sem est, at accumsan dui posuere et. Duis et eleifend nisl. Proin vitae sodales felis. Cras fermentum imperdiet diam in tempus. Pellentesque finibus, lectus id vehicula tincidunt, arcu lorem lobortis sapien, vel condimentum ipsum risus a orci. Mauris purus mauris, tincidunt nec ligula at, elementum rutrum nisl. Donec luctus quam vitae finibus luctus. Proin rhoncus, sem eget mollis blandit, libero tellus sagittis metus, a faucibus lacus tellus non justo. Mauris orci magna, tincidunt vitae pellentesque sed, vehicula eu elit. Nam mollis rutrum nulla, tincidunt finibus lorem ullamcorper in. Phasellus imperdiet euismod tempus. Mauris semper elementum molestie. Maecenas et finibus mauris. Suspendisse laoreet quam sed dui pretium, non faucibus odio placerat. Curabitur quam tortor, viverra id turpis nec, consectetur gravida nulla. Sed at maximus ipsum. Vestibulum quis finibus ipsum, fringilla dignissim nunc. Maecenas pharetra malesuada nibh at iaculis. Donec blandit sapien sed condimentum posuere. Nunc arcu nisl, gravida non tincidunt ut, interdum sit amet magna. Donec ornare, est quis blandit vehicula, lectus massa condimentum est, vel eleifend urna purus at dolor. Praesent sodales consectetur auctor. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aliquam quis leo et est iaculis sollicitudin quis ut elit. Mauris vitae ante sodales quam rhoncus blandit. Proin feugiat sapien sed tellus fringilla lobortis. Pellentesque tortor massa, lacinia vel pretium nec, gravida at ligula. Mauris lobortis ipsum nec posuere ullamcorper. Duis scelerisque urna diam, at lobortis lorem vestibulum a. Nulla et nibh dui. Mauris a scelerisque lectus. Morbi volutpat fermentum libero, eget lobortis dui. Proin ullamcorper erat ut magna consectetur, vel interdum velit vehicula. Ut congue dictum vestibulum. Nulla facilisi.
Book realised by Tabularasa Edizioni for the exhibition Closer to Heaven
of Carles Garcia O'Dowd aka G.O'D.
The book is composed by 130 color pages size cm. 21x29,7
Texts by Valerio Bindi, Marco Cirillo Pedri and Stefano Dazzi Dvorak
Book realised by Tabularasa Edizioni for the exhibition Closer to Heaven
of Carles Garcia O'Dowd aka G.O'D.
The book is composed by 130 color pages size cm. 21x29,7
Texts by Valerio Bindi, Marco Cirillo Pedri and Stefano Dazzi Dvorak
Book by Igor Hofbauer edited by Tabularasa Edizioni for the exhibition of Igor Hofbauer Fuck Hof
It contains 1 numbered silkscreen signed by the author and produced by StraEdizioni.
Hard cover
Printed in 1000 numbered copies.
Size cm. 16,5 x 24.
200 colour pages.
Texts in italian and english by Vittore Baroni, Alessandra Ioalè, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Jonathan Bousfield, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak.
ISBN 978-88-942665-0-4
Book by Igor Hofbauer edited by Tabularasa Edizioni for the exhibition of Igor Hofbauer Fuck Hof
It contains 1 numbered silkscreen signed by the author and produced by StraEdizioni.
Hard cover
Printed in 1000 numbered copies.
Size cm. 16,5 x 24.
200 colour pages.
Texts in italian and english by Vittore Baroni, Alessandra Ioalè, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Jonathan Bousfield, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak.
ISBN 978-88-942665-0-4
Book by Igor Hofbauer edited by Tabularasa Edizioni for the exhibition of Igor Hofbauer Fuck Hof
Hard cover
Printed in 1000 numbered copies.
Size cm. 16,5 x 24.
200 colour pages.
Texts in italian and english by Vittore Baroni, Alessandra Ioalè, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Jonathan Bousfield, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak.
ISBN 978-88-942665-0-4
Book by Igor Hofbauer edited by Tabularasa Edizioni for the exhibition of Igor Hofbauer Fuck Hof
Hard cover
Printed in 1000 numbered copies.
Size cm. 16,5 x 24.
200 colour pages.
Texts in italian and english by Vittore Baroni, Alessandra Ioalè, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Jonathan Bousfield, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak.
ISBN 978-88-942665-0-4
by Igor Hofbauer and Jonathan Bousfield
Published by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso Edizioni and Tekè Gallery
Soft cover with flaps
Printed in 500 copies.
Size cm. 19 x 26
40 colour pages
Texts in english
ISBN 978-88-945829-0-1
by Igor Hofbauer and Jonathan Bousfield
Published by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso Edizioni and Tekè Gallery
Soft cover with flaps
Printed in 500 copies.
Size cm. 19 x 26
40 colour pages
Texts in english
ISBN 978-88-945829-0-1
Italian edition
Pre-Order of the graphic novel by Igor Hofbauer and Jonathan Bousfield
The pre-order goes from june 1st to july 31
Shippings from july 1st
Published by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso edizioni and Tekè Gallery
Handmade tissue bag hand screen printed by La Luce Rossa free with the first 100 copies
Soft cover with flaps
Printed in 500 copies
Size cm. 19 x 26
40 colour pages
Texts in italian
ISBN 978-88-942665-9-7
Italian edition
Pre-Order of the graphic novel by Igor Hofbauer and Jonathan Bousfield
The pre-order goes from june 1st to july 31
Shippings from july 1st
Published by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso edizioni and Tekè Gallery
Handmade tissue bag hand screen printed by La Luce Rossa free with the first 100 copies
Soft cover with flaps
Printed in 500 copies
Size cm. 19 x 26
40 colour pages
Texts in italian
ISBN 978-88-942665-9-7
Limited edition book realized by Tabularasa Edizioni in co-working with Tekè Gallery for Jesse Jacobs’s solo show “Far Fetched” Carrara, Italy, June 2018.
Texts in Italian and English by Vittore Baroni, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Robert Clough, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak, Alessandra Ioalé, Marco Taddei, Valerio Stivè, Henry Flames.
First edition May 2018
Hard cover, 180 color pages printed in Fedrigoni paper Arcoprint EW 140 grams.
Printed in 250 copies in special limited numbered edition including numbered silkscreen of cm. 20x30 signed by the author.
ISBN 978-88-942665-1-1
Size 21x31cm
Limited edition book realized by Tabularasa Edizioni in co-working with Tekè Gallery for Jesse Jacobs’s solo show “Far Fetched” Carrara, Italy, June 2018.
Texts in Italian and English by Vittore Baroni, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Robert Clough, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak, Alessandra Ioalé, Marco Taddei, Valerio Stivè, Henry Flames.
First edition May 2018
Hard cover, 180 color pages printed in Fedrigoni paper Arcoprint EW 140 grams.
Printed in 250 copies in special limited numbered edition including numbered silkscreen of cm. 20x30 signed by the author.
ISBN 978-88-942665-1-1
Size 21x31cm
Standard edition of the book realized by Tabularasa Edizioni in co-working with Tekè Gallery for Jesse Jacobs’s solo show “Far Fetched”, Carrara, Italy, June 2018.
Texts in Italian and English by Vittore Baroni, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Robert Clough, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak, Alessandra Ioalé, Marco Taddei, Valerio Stivè, Henry Flames.
Hard cover, 180 color pages printed on Fedrigoni paper Arcoprint EW 140 grams. Printed in 750 copies. ISBN 978-88-942665-2-8
Size 21x31cm
First edition May 2018
Standard edition of the book realized by Tabularasa Edizioni in co-working with Tekè Gallery for Jesse Jacobs’s solo show “Far Fetched”, Carrara, Italy, June 2018.
Texts in Italian and English by Vittore Baroni, Marco Cirillo Pedri, Robert Clough, Stefano Dazzi Dvorak, Alessandra Ioalé, Marco Taddei, Valerio Stivè, Henry Flames.
Hard cover, 180 color pages printed on Fedrigoni paper Arcoprint EW 140 grams. Printed in 750 copies. ISBN 978-88-942665-2-8
Size 21x31cm
First edition May 2018
THE SAINT - Limited Edition
Hard Cover and Screen Printed Book Jacket cm 80x33
Dark years.
Few are those who still have confidence in the future.
The only ones to wander around the world are those who are driven by blind faith.
After a thousand vicissitudes, two friars land on an island "never touched by civilized beings" with the desire to convert its natives.
They will find savages not at all bellicose, but with clear ideas on religious issues.
So convincing that the friars will almost get converted.
This book was realized and published in the time of the Coronavirus by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso Edizioni and Tekè Gallery.
Written by Marco Taddei
Illustrated by Marco Filicio Marinangeli
Translation from italian to english by Mara Mattoscio
Proofreading and revision of texts by Stefano Dazzi Dvořák
Layout and graphic design by Johanna Mercadé - Mot
The illustrations by Marco Filicio Marinangeli were photographed by Luciana Paris and Franz Gustincich
Limited Edition of 100 copies with hard cover and with book jacket cm. 80x33 - 31,5" x 13" hand screen printed
in 5 levels by Kill the Print and signed by the authors.
First edition in Italian and English © 2020, Tabularasa Edizioni
Number of pages: 56
Printed by Kerschoffset, Zagreb, Croatia
Cover: Munken Pure 300 grams
Inside: Munken Pure 150 grams
Dimensions cm. 24 x 33 - 9,5" x 13"
Isbn: 978-88-942665-8-0
The full book is printed on MUNKEN "PURE" paper, the best and most natural paper by Arctic Paper.
Extraordinary printing demands extraordinary design paper.
The uncoated smooth surface of Munken Pure and its cream shade convey distinct features to images
and gives an exclusive yet very true natural paper feel.
Hard Cover and Screen Printed Book Jacket cm 80x33
Dark years.
Few are those who still have confidence in the future.
The only ones to wander around the world are those who are driven by blind faith.
After a thousand vicissitudes, two friars land on an island "never touched by civilized beings" with the desire to convert its natives.
They will find savages not at all bellicose, but with clear ideas on religious issues.
So convincing that the friars will almost get converted.
This book was realized and published in the time of the Coronavirus by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso Edizioni and Tekè Gallery.
Written by Marco Taddei
Illustrated by Marco Filicio Marinangeli
Translation from italian to english by Mara Mattoscio
Proofreading and revision of texts by Stefano Dazzi Dvořák
Layout and graphic design by Johanna Mercadé - Mot
The illustrations by Marco Filicio Marinangeli were photographed by Luciana Paris and Franz Gustincich
Limited Edition of 100 copies with hard cover and with book jacket cm. 80x33 - 31,5" x 13" hand screen printed
in 5 levels by Kill the Print and signed by the authors.
First edition in Italian and English © 2020, Tabularasa Edizioni
Number of pages: 56
Printed by Kerschoffset, Zagreb, Croatia
Cover: Munken Pure 300 grams
Inside: Munken Pure 150 grams
Dimensions cm. 24 x 33 - 9,5" x 13"
Isbn: 978-88-942665-8-0
The full book is printed on MUNKEN "PURE" paper, the best and most natural paper by Arctic Paper.
Extraordinary printing demands extraordinary design paper.
The uncoated smooth surface of Munken Pure and its cream shade convey distinct features to images
and gives an exclusive yet very true natural paper feel.
THE SAINT - Standard Edition
Soft Cover with flaps
Dark years.
Few are those who still have confidence in the future.
The only ones to wander around the world are those who are driven by blind faith.
After a thousand vicissitudes, two friars land on an island "never touched by civilized beings" with the desire to convert its natives.
They will find savages not at all bellicose, but with clear ideas on religious issues.
So convincing that the friars will almost get converted.
This book was realized and published in the time of the Coronavirus by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso Edizioni and Tekè Gallery.
Written by Marco Taddei
Illustrated by Marco Filicio Marinangeli
Translation from italian to english by Mara Mattoscio
Proofreading and revision of texts by Stefano Dazzi Dvořák
Layout and graphic design by Johanna Mercadé - Mot
The illustrations by Marco Filicio Marinangeli were photographed by Luciana Paris and Franz Gustincich
First edition in Italian and English © 2020, Tabularasa Edizioni Number of pages: 56
Printed by Kerschoffset, Zagreb, Croatia
Cover: Munken Pure 300 grams
Inside: Munken Pure 150 grams
Dimensions cm. 24 x 33 - 9,5" x 13"
Isbn: 978-88-942665-5-9
The full book is printed on MUNKEN "PURE" paper, the best and most natural paper by Arctic Paper.
Extraordinary printing demands extraordinary design paper.
The uncoated smooth surface of Munken Pure and its cream shade convey distinct features to images and gives an exclusive yet very true natural paper feel.
Soft Cover with flaps
Dark years.
Few are those who still have confidence in the future.
The only ones to wander around the world are those who are driven by blind faith.
After a thousand vicissitudes, two friars land on an island "never touched by civilized beings" with the desire to convert its natives.
They will find savages not at all bellicose, but with clear ideas on religious issues.
So convincing that the friars will almost get converted.
This book was realized and published in the time of the Coronavirus by Tabularasa Edizioni in cooperation with Bisso Edizioni and Tekè Gallery.
Written by Marco Taddei
Illustrated by Marco Filicio Marinangeli
Translation from italian to english by Mara Mattoscio
Proofreading and revision of texts by Stefano Dazzi Dvořák
Layout and graphic design by Johanna Mercadé - Mot
The illustrations by Marco Filicio Marinangeli were photographed by Luciana Paris and Franz Gustincich
First edition in Italian and English © 2020, Tabularasa Edizioni Number of pages: 56
Printed by Kerschoffset, Zagreb, Croatia
Cover: Munken Pure 300 grams
Inside: Munken Pure 150 grams
Dimensions cm. 24 x 33 - 9,5" x 13"
Isbn: 978-88-942665-5-9
The full book is printed on MUNKEN "PURE" paper, the best and most natural paper by Arctic Paper.
Extraordinary printing demands extraordinary design paper.
The uncoated smooth surface of Munken Pure and its cream shade convey distinct features to images and gives an exclusive yet very true natural paper feel.
Book by Fëdor Dostoevskij edited by Orecchio Acerbo Editore
with illustrations of Marco Filicio Marinangeli.
Size cm. 21 x 30.
72 colour pages.
Hard cover
Printed in 100 numbered copies.
It contains 1 numbered silkscreen size cm.16x21,7 signed by the author and produced by StraneDizioni.
Available in Italian language only.
In a gallery of Petersburg there is an exhibition of exotic animals: parrots, monkeys and crocodiles. The crocodile is the greatest attraction and gets the attention of Mr. Matveich, who unwisely teases him and ends up being eaten. The screams of Mr Matveich’s wife and his dear friend and witness of the incident, meet the still stronger screams of the owner of the crocodile. The latter fears that the ‘meal’ is too heavy to be digested and will kill his beloved crocodile. Then the unbelievable happens: from the belly of the crocodile, it is Mr. Matveich who, alive and well, shouts of the reptiles new and unusual condition: an incredibly comfortable elastic stomach. Why do not take advantage? People will come from far and wide to hear what the man inside the crocodile has to say and, paying a quarter of a ruble each, will make him a fortune. But human nature feeds on lies and the truth is not always newsworthy. The next day the newspapers report: Helpless crocodile forced to swallow a drunk! A masterpiece of irony, a masterpiece of Dostoevsky.
Book by Fëdor Dostoevskij edited by Orecchio Acerbo Editore
with illustrations of Marco Filicio Marinangeli.
Size cm. 21 x 30.
72 colour pages.
Hard cover
Printed in 100 numbered copies.
It contains 1 numbered silkscreen size cm.16x21,7 signed by the author and produced by StraneDizioni.
Available in Italian language only.
In a gallery of Petersburg there is an exhibition of exotic animals: parrots, monkeys and crocodiles. The crocodile is the greatest attraction and gets the attention of Mr. Matveich, who unwisely teases him and ends up being eaten. The screams of Mr Matveich’s wife and his dear friend and witness of the incident, meet the still stronger screams of the owner of the crocodile. The latter fears that the ‘meal’ is too heavy to be digested and will kill his beloved crocodile. Then the unbelievable happens: from the belly of the crocodile, it is Mr. Matveich who, alive and well, shouts of the reptiles new and unusual condition: an incredibly comfortable elastic stomach. Why do not take advantage? People will come from far and wide to hear what the man inside the crocodile has to say and, paying a quarter of a ruble each, will make him a fortune. But human nature feeds on lies and the truth is not always newsworthy. The next day the newspapers report: Helpless crocodile forced to swallow a drunk! A masterpiece of irony, a masterpiece of Dostoevsky.
Maria Ginzburg - Memories of the Dust
Maria Ginzburg - Memories of the Dust
Accordion Book
The project is dedicated to the Apuan Alps and to all those landscapes which, for trivial reasons linked to
profit-making purposes of private individuals, are in danger of disappearing.
The intent is to highlight the problems generated by a system that compromises the complex balance
of nature, of these mountains victims of mass production.
The exhibition also highlights the passive acceptance by the community, of permanent damage to this
collective heritage, which took millennia for its formation and which it will no longer be possible to recover
The underlying theme of the work is the latent memory of calcium carbonate, the material that forms marble and yes
presented as a powder, the genesis of which dates back to a life cycle and a thousand-year history of transformation and
continuous structural modification, which leads to the creation of mountain ranges.
In the contemporary world, this material, obtained by transforming extracted marble blocks into powder
from the mountain, has recently gone from waste residue to speculation, now used for
industrial whitening processes, involving products such as paper or toothpaste.
The leporello presented at the exhibition, with the aim of narrating the duplicity of the path of this material,
presents two different reading verses, which allow you to read the work both from right to left, and
vice versa. This is to narrate, on the one hand, the very slow pace of the millennial natural evolutionary history of marble,
with the complexity that guaranteed its formation, both to describe the destructive work of the human being and
the speed with which the extraction processes irreparably and fatally affect the landscape.
The visible contrast between the two sides shows the long-term consequences of harmful and selfish behaviors
of man, offering a starting point for an ethical reflection and self-responsibility on the issues of pollution,
offering an alternative perspective.
A perspective in which education for environmental sustainability becomes an essential core to provide
coordinates that can lead to more informed choices in everyday life, through the construction of a
active and participatory critical awareness.
The cultural investment allows a real emancipation from the logic of profit and enslavement, in which
harmful consumer dynamics generate waste and an aggressive lifestyle towards the planet.
All this leads to reflections on the possibility of creating a new way of understanding the collective and private space,
in the light of alternative solutions that guarantee real well-being, which can be expressed through
respectful and harmonious coexistence of man with the surrounding space, where well-being is not expressed
solely in hedonistic attitudes, but in the real and tangible improvement of the quality of life.
The meaning of our existence on the planet is found in the indispensability of empathy, of cooperation. In a point of view
overall it is clear that the ethical sense of our daily life can only be acquired
recognizing oneself in the different, be it the natural world of vegetation and animals, or man himself.
In conclusion, the path traced in the pages of "memories of the dust" wants to affirm the link
indissoluble bond that binds man to the surrounding environment, starting from the analysis of the processes of creation of
life, and highlighting how much the loss of the ultimate meaning of living is the primary cause of inner malaise
of the planet.
Maria Ginzburg - The Castle of the Delusional Powers
Accordion book by Maria Ginzburg.
It is a work that arises from the need to investigate the complex economic speculations that fuel the arms
and war market and power relations and private
interests that determine the genesis of a conflict highlighting the contradictions and drifts that arise
hide behind the dehumanizing rhetoric of violence and the consequent legitimization of
inhuman practiches.
Texts and illustrations by Maria Ginzburg.
Printed and bound by hand in silkscreen by the printing house La Luce Rossa.
Limited edition of 50 copies.
Cover in Favini Nero Burano paper weighing 339 grams
Interior in 170 gram Favini BiancoFlash Ivory paper.
Printed in August 2024.
Leporello dimensions closed cm. 25x25
Open leporello dimensions cm. 160x25
Accordion book by Maria Ginzburg.
It is a work that arises from the need to investigate the complex economic speculations that fuel the arms
and war market and power relations and private
interests that determine the genesis of a conflict highlighting the contradictions and drifts that arise
hide behind the dehumanizing rhetoric of violence and the consequent legitimization of
inhuman practiches.
Texts and illustrations by Maria Ginzburg.
Printed and bound by hand in silkscreen by the printing house La Luce Rossa.
Limited edition of 50 copies.
Cover in Favini Nero Burano paper weighing 339 grams
Interior in 170 gram Favini BiancoFlash Ivory paper.
Printed in August 2024.
Leporello dimensions closed cm. 25x25
Open leporello dimensions cm. 160x25
Nora - The Hidden Things
by Nora.
Inside us there are things that work in secret, appearing
with perfect timing, following dirt paths hidden by leaves.
It matters little whether they choose sleep or wakefulness
to manifest themselves: the center of collective interest is
the operation of excavation and restitution in the light of
this elusive portion of feeling.
The tools, in this case, are pencils, squeegees and
brushes; we proceed through scraps and attempts,
until the most complete and disarming overview
of the (re)emerged lands, in the form of cartography.
This project was entirely conceived and created by Nora
in the months of September and October 2024, between
Rome and Carrara.
Edited, hand-printed and hand-bound by Nora and Juan
Carlos Allende in Carrara in the La Luce Rossa Art
Printing House, on behalf of Tabularasa Edizioni.
Introduction by Simone Lucciola and Stefano Dazzi
Translations with the assistance of Richard Usher.
The Hidden Things has a print run of 100 signed and
numbered copies.
The entire cover and the 5 screenprints (31x31.5 cm)
are printed by hand, signed and numbered from 1 to 100
on Favini Biancoflash ivory paper.
by Nora.
Inside us there are things that work in secret, appearing
with perfect timing, following dirt paths hidden by leaves.
It matters little whether they choose sleep or wakefulness
to manifest themselves: the center of collective interest is
the operation of excavation and restitution in the light of
this elusive portion of feeling.
The tools, in this case, are pencils, squeegees and
brushes; we proceed through scraps and attempts,
until the most complete and disarming overview
of the (re)emerged lands, in the form of cartography.
This project was entirely conceived and created by Nora
in the months of September and October 2024, between
Rome and Carrara.
Edited, hand-printed and hand-bound by Nora and Juan
Carlos Allende in Carrara in the La Luce Rossa Art
Printing House, on behalf of Tabularasa Edizioni.
Introduction by Simone Lucciola and Stefano Dazzi
Translations with the assistance of Richard Usher.
The Hidden Things has a print run of 100 signed and
numbered copies.
The entire cover and the 5 screenprints (31x31.5 cm)
are printed by hand, signed and numbered from 1 to 100
on Favini Biancoflash ivory paper.
160 pages
Hard Cover
Dimensions 24cm x 34 cm
Text italian/english
Limited and Numbered Edition of 500 Copies
Contains pictures of all the art pieces
Chritical Text of Matteo Guarnaccia
Chritical Text of Marco Cirillo Pedri
Apocalyptic Interview of Vittore Baroni in integral version
3D Glasses
Screen print 21 x 21 cm “Get Out of my Life Woman” printed in 2016 by 56 Fili with white ink on black paper Sirio Ultrablack 280 gr in limited edition of 500 numbered copies.
ISBN 978-88-942665-6-6
2016 Tabularasa Edizioni - Mori Editore
by Gianluca Lerici aka Professor Bad Trip
Limited edition of 250 numbered copies with included silkscreen cm.19x28 with a portrait
of W.S. Burroughs realised by Gianluca Lerici in 1991.
The screen print is handmade by La Luce Rossa in red color on Favini Sahara Ivory paper 240 gr.
Shake Edizioni, second edition 2022
Book size: 21x29,7 cm.
Silkscreen size: 19x28 cm.
Pages: 112
Color: Black and white
Features: Soft cover with flaps
by Gianluca Lerici aka Professor Bad Trip
Limited edition of 250 numbered copies with included silkscreen cm.19x28 with a portrait
of W.S. Burroughs realised by Gianluca Lerici in 1991.
The screen print is handmade by La Luce Rossa in red color on Favini Sahara Ivory paper 240 gr.
Shake Edizioni, second edition 2022
Book size: 21x29,7 cm.
Silkscreen size: 19x28 cm.
Pages: 112
Color: Black and white
Features: Soft cover with flaps
by Gianluca Lerici aka Professor Bad Trip
Limited edition of 250 numbered copies with included silkscreen cm.19x28 realized by La Luce Rossa.
in one color on Favini Sahara Ivory paper 240 gr.
Edited by Eris Edizioni in cooperation with Jena Marie Filaccio, Tabularasa Edizioni and Tekè Gallery.
Introduction by Vittore Baroni.
Critical text by Marco Cirillo Pedri.
Biography, discography and selected publications by Jena Marie Filaccio,
Stefano Dazzi Dvorak and Vittore Baroni.
Eris Edizioni, second edition 2021
Book size: 21x29,7 cm.
Silkscreen size: 19x28 cm.
Pages: 112
Color: Black and white
Features: Hard cover
Isbn: 9788898644421
by Gianluca Lerici aka Professor Bad Trip
Limited edition of 250 numbered copies with included silkscreen cm.19x28 realized by La Luce Rossa.
in one color on Favini Sahara Ivory paper 240 gr.
Edited by Eris Edizioni in cooperation with Jena Marie Filaccio, Tabularasa Edizioni and Tekè Gallery.
Introduction by Vittore Baroni.
Critical text by Marco Cirillo Pedri.
Biography, discography and selected publications by Jena Marie Filaccio,
Stefano Dazzi Dvorak and Vittore Baroni.
Eris Edizioni, second edition 2021
Book size: 21x29,7 cm.
Silkscreen size: 19x28 cm.
Pages: 112
Color: Black and white
Features: Hard cover
Isbn: 9788898644421
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